Jim Corbett Bookings
When you decide to make booking for Jim Corbett National Park it is advisable to plan well in advance. In other words, Booking in Jim Corbett National Park is made online. Therefore, booking Jim Corbett National Park in advance gives you an option wherein you can choose your stay and safari tourist zone as per your likings. As a result, you make Jim Corbett bookings as per your own convenience.
Jim Corbett Tour Packages
Tiger Tracking Tour
Click on the Picture above for detailed itinerary.
Dhikala 2 Nights and 3 Days Tour
Click on the Picture above for detailed itinerary.
Dhikala Photography Tour
Click on the Picture above for detailed itinerary.
Dhikala Bookings
Dhikala Booking in Jim Corbett is what every Wildlife Lover desires. Jim Corbett Dhikala booking is what we are offering our guests for the past few years. Booking at Dhikala in Jim Corbett is made 45 days in advance for the period of 1 month. As a result, for Dhikala Jim Corbett Booking you have to plan 2 months in advance. Meanwhile, as we are based in Jim Corbett we have special Curated Packages for your Dhikala Zone Booking. Dhikala zone is home to different species of mammals, reptiles and birds. The major attraction to book Dhikala forest lodge is the Royal Bengal Tiger. There are frequent sightings in Dhikala of the very elusive Tiger.
Enquiry Form
Resorts Booking in Jim Corbett
To make your stay memorable in Jim Corbett we offer you the sevices of different resorts as per their category. Therefore, give below are some Resorts to choose from for your overnight stay at Jim Corbett.
Aahana Luxury Resort
Click on the Picture above for details.
Corbett Riverside
Click on the Picture above for details.
Jim Corbett Experience
Click on the Picture above for details.
Jim Corbett Safari Booking
Safari in Jim Corbett national park is done in an open registered Jypsy. Therefore, to book jim corbett safari online you need a Jypsy along with that a Permit. In other words, the permit for Corbett safari booking must have the names of all the guests planning to take the jungle safari in Jim Corbett. However, we make online booking for safari in jim Corbett.